Wednesday, January 25, 2006

School ><

So I started school about 3 weeks ago. I'm only taking 3 classes this semester, 12 hours. Intro to Anthro, Stats, and Japanese 2. My teachers seem nice. Ohtani-sensei, my Japanese teacher, is amusing. He likes to go off on tangents, a lot. I laugh at least twice in every class of his though.

I also met this girl in that class, Kristen. She's also into yaoi. ^_^ We made friends. I'm envious. She proofs and edits for BL groups. I'm supposed to be proofing 3 chapters for my group, but I haven't yet. Whenever I get home, I always have a headache, so I don't want to and then I forget about doing it by the time the headaches gone. ><; Not good.

Why am I getting these headaches? I blame it on the stupid weather. Can't make up it's mind and so it's messing with my head. I hate sinuses. And medicine.

Speaking of medicine, my dad's have back surgery a week from Tuesday. He's going to be out of action for a few weeks. I wonder how long he'll actually last "relaxing". He's too much of a work-a-holic to stay dormant for so long. We'll see. Hopefully this will help with his problem and he'll be better afterward.

I am *so* broke right now. I was expecting to get a check for the remaining money from my financial aid this past week. I went to talk with the fin. aid people today and found out that I get half now and half later. That means that I don't get a check until March, because the first half was used to pay for stuff. -.- Not happy. I was planning on that money. I would've asked for more if I would have realized that.

Right now I'm majoring in International Studies. I've recently started thinking about double majoring in Anthropology, too. I don't think I will though, because I'm not strong-willed enough to get it all done in time, I don't think. I think I will minor in Anthro, though. That doesn't take quite as many credit hours. We'll see.

Speaking of school. There are two things I want to do before I graduate: study abroad and intern abroad. USF has a study abroad program to the Kansai region of Japan. I want to go. I was looking at the list of course descriptions they had, and there were 5 or 6 courses that sounded interesting (I could only take 4 or 5, though.) As for the interning, the Department of State has internships with different depts within it. Most specifically, it's possible to intern at embassies. I really want to do this, because, for the moment, I want to work as a foreign service officer after graduation. With this internship, I will be able to see if I really like it. The problem, is that I can probably only do one. Money-wise, this is most definately the case. I know which one I will pick, if I have to choose - I'll do the internship. But I *really* want to do both. With the study abroad you can stay with a host family. It would be so cool to be able to do it. I was thinking that I could study abroad for a semester and then intern for a summer, but it's still an issue of money. Studying abroad is expensive (trust me, I know) and interning would cost money too, though if I interned abroad, they would try to find me free or subsidized housing (I think that's what it said... anyways, it would be cheaper.) Well, I guess we'll see how it goes. I can always try to get scholarships for expenses and figure out a way to get credit towards my majors while I'm away.


Blogger RaeS said...

I hope your dad is doing better. I am just reading this post and I don't remember you telling me that he was having surgery. I'm sorry if I forgot it.

Headaches could be anything. With the weather yo-yoing, it could be that... or stress? ... or allergies?

Money is an issue for me too. I'd love to go study abroad, but the one place I'd like to go, Uppsala, Sweden, will cost a bare minimum of $53,000 for 10 months (tuition, books and estimated board - food & winter clothes not included)! And there's no per semester option. You have to go for the whole 10 months... but you end up with a master's degree by the end of it. At this point, I can't afford it and I don't think I could handle something that academically instense when I feel as shaky as I do, so... Perhaps after I get one MA under my belt. Maybe even another BA (in Archaeology) and an MA... dunno... At this point, I think I need to stop thinking so far ahead and focus on getting the one BA in hand.

I hope you'll be able to do it though! Are there internships with the State Department in Japan? I think I remember you saying that they might send you to the Netherlands? But if you went to Japan, maybe it could be like doing a combination of both programs? And I think I heard that there are some crazy good scholarships and grants for that sort of thing. Don't know the details though.

12:41 AM  

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