Late Night Tangents
Wow, those pics in my previous post are kinda big. But that's okay, because they're cute. ^_^
I was actually planning on talking about my new RP character today, but that would take too long. I do want to write something today, though. So, this is what I have so far. ^^;; Thijs is really cute though. I just want to huggle him. >.<
So far I'm happy with my new character, Sigrid Kumiko Van den Berg, aka Kit. She's Thijs' owner. Dutch owner hence the Dutch name. Well, she's part Dutch at least. And Japanese, for those of you who recognized her middle name. 1/2 Dutch, 1/4 Japanese and 1/4 EuroMutt American, to be exact. She was sorted last night (she's on a Harry Potter RP.) She got into the Elkwood house. I think that House suits her best, but at least half of the new first years seem to be in Elkwood. A bit much, ne? Sigrid was the only char who was surprised, because I let the staff pic. I didn't realize this when I was first coming up with her, or actually until I RPed with her tonight at our first class (my 2nd RP with her,) but she seems to be a bit of a Hermione. Though she doesn't happily just spout of her information like Hermione does. Sigrid grew up as a muggle. Her father was a wizard, but he died when she was 3 and never told her mother. Her obaachan (father's mother) never said anything either until she got a letter saying that she was accepted. Her two big passions in life are horseback riding and reading. Once she heard about this, she found what books she could and started reading about it. This gave her a lot of book smarts, which the rest of her class seemed to be lacking at the first class of the year. She did get her house 10 points. ^^ So far they're ahead with 10 points, the second place house having 5 points, and the rest having none. I have a feeling she's going to be getting points deducted, though. Especially when she's caught reading during class (a very un-Hermione thing to do.) Or if she hasn't finished her homework (another very un-Hermione thing to do.) Two very Sigrid things to do. But, that hasn't happened yet. She's already made a semi-friend, or at least an acquantice. That makes me happy. ^^ I've decided that her two best subjects are going to be Transfiguration and flying. Transfig because, as the teacher said, visualization is the most important thing with transfiguration. With her horseback riding training, she started doing visualization excercises when she was little, so she's had at least 5 years of practise doing them. I think this would greatly help her with Transfiguration class. As for flying, I see it similar to riding. Sigrid is an awesome rider, really, an awesome rider. She reacts quickly to the situation and can easily adjust her position to whatever is needed. I think this will help her a lot with flying. I think that she could be an awesome quidditch player, too. ^_^ Now, I can't have her being good at /everything/. Well, I could, but that would be boring. I think her worst subject, for now, will be History of Magic, because she doesn't really have any interest in this and if the teacher is going to be as boring as I think he will be, then that'll just add to her annoyance. Not that she'll be absolutely terrible at it, her highest scores just won't be found in that subject.
Here're two pics of Kit. One of her now and one when she's a little older. I have Amanda Bynes as her actress.
Well, it appears that I ended up writing about her afterall. ^_^ It's a bit late, so I think I shall call it a night. Oyasumi!
I was actually planning on talking about my new RP character today, but that would take too long. I do want to write something today, though. So, this is what I have so far. ^^;; Thijs is really cute though. I just want to huggle him. >.<
So far I'm happy with my new character, Sigrid Kumiko Van den Berg, aka Kit. She's Thijs' owner. Dutch owner hence the Dutch name. Well, she's part Dutch at least. And Japanese, for those of you who recognized her middle name. 1/2 Dutch, 1/4 Japanese and 1/4 EuroMutt American, to be exact. She was sorted last night (she's on a Harry Potter RP.) She got into the Elkwood house. I think that House suits her best, but at least half of the new first years seem to be in Elkwood. A bit much, ne? Sigrid was the only char who was surprised, because I let the staff pic. I didn't realize this when I was first coming up with her, or actually until I RPed with her tonight at our first class (my 2nd RP with her,) but she seems to be a bit of a Hermione. Though she doesn't happily just spout of her information like Hermione does. Sigrid grew up as a muggle. Her father was a wizard, but he died when she was 3 and never told her mother. Her obaachan (father's mother) never said anything either until she got a letter saying that she was accepted. Her two big passions in life are horseback riding and reading. Once she heard about this, she found what books she could and started reading about it. This gave her a lot of book smarts, which the rest of her class seemed to be lacking at the first class of the year. She did get her house 10 points. ^^ So far they're ahead with 10 points, the second place house having 5 points, and the rest having none. I have a feeling she's going to be getting points deducted, though. Especially when she's caught reading during class (a very un-Hermione thing to do.) Or if she hasn't finished her homework (another very un-Hermione thing to do.) Two very Sigrid things to do. But, that hasn't happened yet. She's already made a semi-friend, or at least an acquantice. That makes me happy. ^^ I've decided that her two best subjects are going to be Transfiguration and flying. Transfig because, as the teacher said, visualization is the most important thing with transfiguration. With her horseback riding training, she started doing visualization excercises when she was little, so she's had at least 5 years of practise doing them. I think this would greatly help her with Transfiguration class. As for flying, I see it similar to riding. Sigrid is an awesome rider, really, an awesome rider. She reacts quickly to the situation and can easily adjust her position to whatever is needed. I think this will help her a lot with flying. I think that she could be an awesome quidditch player, too. ^_^ Now, I can't have her being good at /everything/. Well, I could, but that would be boring. I think her worst subject, for now, will be History of Magic, because she doesn't really have any interest in this and if the teacher is going to be as boring as I think he will be, then that'll just add to her annoyance. Not that she'll be absolutely terrible at it, her highest scores just won't be found in that subject.

Here're two pics of Kit. One of her now and one when she's a little older. I have Amanda Bynes as her actress.
Well, it appears that I ended up writing about her afterall. ^_^ It's a bit late, so I think I shall call it a night. Oyasumi!